"The Mighty One, God the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets." -Psalm 50:1
FAQ's1.Is gettingtoknowmybible.com free?Absolutely 100% free! No obligation whatsoever. No fees of any kind, no sales pitch, no pressures.
2.Will I be pressured into going to a church or formal Bible study? Will I be harassed through emails, phone calls, texts, or in any way? No pressure at all! You will not be asked to sign-up or even give your name! Our philosophy is that God gave mankind a great tool to understand the Bible --- a brain! Anyone can read the Bible and learn what God wants him or her to know! This site is simply a starting point to help you get in the habit of reading the Bible and asking yourself questions about what you read so that you can then look for the answers within the Bible. *THERE IS NO BETTER INTERPRETER THAN THE BIBLE ITSELF!
3.Can I read the Bible on this website? The text of the Bible is not included here, primarily because of copyright laws, but a list of online sites where you can read it free of charge is included in the HELPS section. The suggested sites have been selected using 3 main criteria: #1 - The site is FREE; #2 - Many versions of the Bible are available to read there; and #3 - There are few, if any, religious groups advertised or specified as a sponsoring denomination with their own creeds taught there or through links.
4.I'm interested in reading the Bible, but know nothing at all about it. Can you give me any information about the Bible itself? It is hard to fully appreciate any subject if you don't have a proper introduction to it. For this reason, a BASICS section is included on the HELPS page. You may find some helpful information there, even if you have been reading the Bible for a while already.
5.What are the numbers in parenthesis after each question? The numbers represent the chapter and verse of the book of the Bible where the exact answer to the questions may be found.
6.I notice that some of the words in the questions are in bold print, but others are in plain text. Why? Certain words in the questions are in bold print to help the reader identify key thoughts or concepts or facts that are being asked. The bold words also serve to help the reader take notes, if desired, on where particular subjects are discussed in the Bible.
7.Do I need to have a concordance or Bible dictionary or other materials to participate in
this study? All that is necessary to do this study is a Bible (available online for free reading if you don't have one), a computer, and a willing participant. See the BASICS section on the HELPS page for more information on Bible dictionaries and concordances.
8.What is the THEO JR section? Theophilus is the person to whom the New Testament book of Acts is addressed, according to Chapter 1, verse 1, hence the nick name THEO here. The JR. part is a reference to the types of items included on the THEO JR page. This section is comprised of mind-stimulating activities such as crossword puzzles, seek-n-finds, word jumbles, and other fun activities that cover the same material the questions are over. Perhaps you have a child who wants to participate in your study, but needs an activity to do, rather than sitting at the computer. These printable sheets are the perfect solution! You may want to read a chapter or two together, then print out the corresponding sheet for your child to complete while you continue answering/studying your own questions for the chapter(s). However, you don't have to be a child to benefit from THEO JR. These puzzles are a great way to drill yourself on what you have learned or just to reinforce the biblical knowledge you have gained!
9.Will I receive a grade for completing the study?
There is an answer KEY to each set of questions here so you can check them for yourself. You may print out the questionsand answers, then check your answers against the answer key, or just answer and then refer to the answer key after every question. **If you print the questions, and the answer key for when you need it, you will have a hard copy to write notes on during your study and to refer to anytime in your own study away from the computer.
10.What if I have a question about something I read in the Bible during this study and I would like to ask someone about it? See the contact information. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner.