Acts Chapter 1 Questions
1. In speaking to Theophilus, the writer of the book of Acts mentions what
other book? (1:1)
A. a book written by another person
B. a false gospel
C. his former book
2. After Jesus' suffering, Jesus showed himself to the apostles and gave
them what? (1:3)
A. convincing proofs that he was alive
B. money
C. a special cup used in the last supper
3.When Jesus appeared to the apostles over a period of 40 days, what did
he speak to them about? (1:3)
A. the coming savior
B. the kingdom of God
C. who was most important
4.The writer of this book says that after Jesus' suffering Jesus never ate
again. Is this True or False? (1:3-4)
A. True or B. False
5.Jesus said the apostles would receive power when the Holy Spirit would
come on them and they would be his witnesses where? (1:8)
A. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
B. Jerusalem, Greece and China
C. North America and South America
6.When Jesus was taken up before their eyes, what hid him from their
sight? (1:9)
A. a cloud
B. lightning
C. a vision
7.The two men dressed in white who suddenly stood beside the apostles
told them Jesus would come back how? (1:11)
A. with flashes of lightning and the sound of thunder
B. in the same way you have seen him go into heaven
C. in the midst of a great battle
8. Peter said Scripture was spoken of by _________ through the mouth
of David about Judas? (1:15-16)
A. Paul
B. the Holy Spirit
C. himself
9. Why did Peter say it was necessary to choose one of the men
who had been with them beginning from John's baptism to the time when
Jesus was taken up? (1:21-22)
A. to serve the needy widows
B. to sit at Jesus' right hand in the kingdom
C. to become a witness with them of the resurrection
10In their prayer, the apostles said that the Lord knows everyone's what?
A. everyone's deeds
B. everyone's past
C. everyone's heart
Acts Chapter 2 Questions
1. After Matthias was added to the eleven apostles (1:26), they were all together
in one place on what day when a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came
from heaven and filled the house where they were sitting? (2:1-2)
A. Pentecost B. Easter C. the Sabbath
2. The crowd that came together in bewilderment asked how each of them was
hearing them speak WHAT? (2:9)
A. a foreign language
B. his own native tongue
C. a language they had never heard
3. What was it the men speaking in other tongues spoke as the Spirit enabled them?
(2: 4,11)
A. a new book of prophecy
B. the wonders of God
C. the exact time Jesus' would return
4. Jesus of Nazareth was handed over to the men of Israel by whose set purpose and
foreknowledge? (2:22-23)
A. Pilate's B. Caesar's C. God's
5. According to Peter (2:29), the patriarch David was a prophet and spoke what
about the Christ? (2:29-31)
A. of his resurrection
B. that he was not abandoned to the grave
C. that his body did not see decay
D. all of the above
6. Who was exalted to the right hand of God, received from the Father the promised
Holy Spirit, and poured out what the people saw and heard? (2:31-33)
A. John the Baptist
B. Peter
C. Jesus
7. Israel was to be assured that God had made Jesus what? (2:36)
A. Master and Lord
B. Ruler over the Sanhedrin
C. Lord and Christ
8. After Peter told the people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their
sins, he pleaded with them to save themselves. Those who accepted his message
were what? (2:38-41)
A. saved and then confessed their faith
B. baptized
C. added to their number and then baptized
9. Those who accepted Peter's message, were baptized, then devoted themselves to
what 4 things? (2:42)
A. the apostles' teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayer
B. the fellowship, teachings from all religions, prayer, giving of alms
C. fasting, prayer, performing miracles, selling flowers to support the church
10.Who did the Lord add to their number daily? (2:47)
A. those who were able to speak in tongues
B. those who were being saved
C. those who said they were sorry for their sins
Acts Chapter 3 Questions
1. Where were Peter and John going at the time of prayer, at three in the
afternoon? (3:1)
A. to the temple
B. to the marketplace
C. to the potter's field
2. The man who was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, to beg, had
been crippled for how long? (3:2)
A. for 38 years
B. since the battle of Jerusalem
C. since birth
3. After Peter took the crippled man by the hand and helped him up, how
how soon did the man's feet and ankles become strong? (3:7)
A. the very next day
B. two weeks afterwards
C. instantly
4. When all the people saw the man walking and praising God, and
recognized him as the one who used to sit begging at the temple gate,
what was their reaction? (3:9-10)
A. they were filled with wonder and amazement
B. they called for the authorities
C. they gave Peter and John money
5. What did Peter say that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God
of their fathers, had done to his servant Jesus? (3:13)
A. had put him to death
B. had punished him for his sins
C. had glorified him
6. How does Peter describe the person the people had killed, but whom
God had raised from the dead? (3:15)
A. a created being
B. the author of life
C. an angel
7. Peter said that it was by faith in whose name that the man was made
strong? (3:16)
A. John's name
B. the prophet Isaiah's name
C. Jesus' name
8. Why did Peter tell the people to repent, then, and to turn to God?(3:19)
A. so that their sins may be wiped out
B. that times of refreshing may come from the Lord
C. that he may send the Christ, who had been appointed for them--
even Jesus
D. all of the above
9. Moses said that God would raise up a prophet like him from among
their own people. Which of the following words describes the
importance of listening to everything that prophet was going to tell
them? (3:22)
A. should B. might C. must
10 When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to bless the people
how? (3:25)
A. by turning each of you from your wicked ways
B. by laying hands on them
C. by praying for their forgiveness
Acts Chapter 1 Questions
1. In speaking to Theophilus, the writer of the book of Acts mentions what
other book? (1:1)
A. a book written by another person
B. a false gospel
C. his former book
2. After Jesus' suffering, Jesus showed himself to the apostles and gave
them what? (1:3)
A. convincing proofs that he was alive
B. money
C. a special cup used in the last supper
3. When Jesus appeared to the apostles over a period of 40 days, what did
he speak to them about? (1:3)
A. the coming savior
B. the kingdom of God
C. who was most important
4. The writer of this book says that after Jesus' suffering Jesus never ate
again. Is this True or False? (1:3-4)
A. True or B. False
5. Jesus said the apostles would receive power when the Holy Spirit would
come on them and they would be his witnesses where? (1:8)
A. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
B. Jerusalem, Greece and China
C. North America and South America
6. When Jesus was taken up before their eyes, what hid him from their
sight? (1:9)
A. a cloud
B. lightning
C. a vision
7. The two men dressed in white who suddenly stood beside the apostles
told them Jesus would come back how? (1:11)
A. with flashes of lightning and the sound of thunder
B. in the same way you have seen him go into heaven
C. in the midst of a great battle
8. Peter said Scripture was spoken of by _________ through the mouth
of David about Judas? (1:15-16)
A. Paul
B. the Holy Spirit
C. himself
9. Why did Peter say it was necessary to choose one of the men
who had been with them beginning from John's baptism to the time when
Jesus was taken up? (1:21-22)
A. to serve the needy widows
B. to sit at Jesus' right hand in the kingdom
C. to become a witness with them of the resurrection
10. In their prayer, the apostles said that the Lord knows everyone's what?
A. everyone's deeds
B. everyone's past
C. everyone's heart
Acts Chapter 2 Questions
1. After Matthias was added to the eleven apostles (1:26), they were all together
in one place on what day when a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came
from heaven and filled the house where they were sitting? (2:1-2)
A. Pentecost B. Easter C. the Sabbath
2. The crowd that came together in bewilderment asked how each of them was
hearing them speak WHAT? (2:9)
A. a foreign language
B. his own native tongue
C. a language they had never heard
3. What was it the men speaking in other tongues spoke as the Spirit enabled them?
(2:4, 11)
A. a new book of prophecy
B. the wonders of God
C. the exact time Jesus' would return
4. Jesus of Nazareth was handed over to the men of Israel by whose set purpose and
foreknowledge? (2:22-23)
A. Pilate's B. Caesar's C. God's
5. According to Peter (2:29), the patriarch David was a prophet and spoke what
about the Christ? (2:29-31)
A. of his resurrection
B. that he was not abandoned to the grave
C. that his body did not see decay
D. all of the above
6. Who was exalted to the right hand of God, received from the Father the promised
Holy Spirit, and poured out what the people saw and heard? (2:31-33)
A. John the Baptist
B. Peter
C. Jesus
7. Israel was to be assured that God had made Jesus what? (2:36)
A. Master and Lord
B. Ruler over the Sanhedrin
C. Lord and Christ
8. After Peter told the people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their
sins, he pleaded with them to save themselves. Those who accepted his message
were what? (2:38-41)
A. saved and then confessed their faith
B. baptized
C. added to their number and then baptized
9. Those who accepted Peter's message, were baptized, then devoted themselves to
what 4 things? (2:42)
A. the apostles' teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayer
B. the fellowship, teachings from all religions, prayer, giving of alms
C. fasting, prayer, performing miracles, selling flowers to support the church
10. Who did the Lord add to their number daily? (2:47)
A. those who were able to speak in tongues
B. those who were being saved
C. those who said they were sorry for their sins
Acts Chapter 3 Questions
1. Where were Peter and John going at the time of prayer, at three in the
afternoon? (3:1)
A. to the temple
B. to the marketplace
C. to the potter's field
2.The man who was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, to beg, had
been crippled for how long? (3:2)
A. for 38 years
B. since the battle of Jerusalem
C. since birth
3. After Peter took the crippled man by the hand and helped him up, how
soon did the man's feet and ankles become strong? (3:7)
A. the very next day
B. two weeks afterwards
C. instantly
4. When all the people saw the man walking and praising God, and
recognized him as the one who used to sit begging at the temple gate,
what was their reaction? (3:9-10)
A. they were filled with wonder and amazement
B. they called for the authorities
C. they gave Peter and John money
5. What did Peter say that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God
of their fathers, had done to his servant Jesus? (3:13)
A. had put him to death
B. had punished him for his sins
C. had glorified him
6. How does Peter describe the person the people had killed, but whom
God had raised from the dead? (3:15)
A. a created being
B. the author of life
C. an angel
7. Peter said that it was by faith in whose name that the man was made
strong? (3:16)
A. John's name
B. the prophet Isaiah's name
C. Jesus' name
8. Why did Peter tell the people to repent, then, and to turn to God?(3:19)
A. so that their sins may be wiped out
B. that times of refreshing may come from the Lord
C. that he may send the Christ, who had been appointed for them--
even Jesus
D. all of the above
9. Moses said that God would raise up a prophet like him from among
their own people. Which of the following words describes the
importance of listening to everything that prophet was going to tell
them? (3:22)
A. should B. might C. must
10.When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to bless the people
how? (3:25)
A. by turning each of you from your wicked ways
B. by laying hands on them
C. by praying for their forgiveness
Acts Chapter 4 Questions
1. What were Peter and John doing that greatly disturbed the priests, captain
of the temple guard and the Sadducees so much that they seized Peter and
John and put them in jail? (4:1-3)
A. teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead
B. teaching the people and healing all the sick
C. starting a revolt against the Jewish leaders
2. According to Peter, the man who had been crippled stood before the rulers and
elders of the people by whose name? (4:8-10)
A. by the name of Elijah the prophet
B. by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
C. by the name of Moses, the lawgiver
3. Peter said there are how many other names given to men by which we must
be saved? (4:12)
A. no other name
B. many other names
C. any other name
4. Because of their courage, even though they were unschooled and ordinary, the
rulers and elders took note of what thing about Peter and John? (4:13)
A. they were articulate
B. they were loud and
C. they had been with Jesus
5. Why could the elders and rulers not deny that a miracle had been done by the
apostles? (4:16)
A. Everybody in Jerusalem knew they had done an outstanding miracle.
B. The Jewish high priest had recorded the miracle on a scroll
C. The supposed witnesses of the miracle had been bribed.
6. Why were all the people praising God for the miracle that had been done?
A. The man who had been crippled deserved to be healed.
B. The man who had been healed was the last remaining son of a widow.
C. The man who had been healed was more than 40 years old.
7. Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel conspired against
Jesus, but they did what God's power and will had WHAT? (4:27-28)
A. not been able to stop from happening
B. asked them to do
C. decided beforehand what should happen
8. In spite of threats, what did God's servants ask Him to enable them to do? (4:29)
A. to speak His word with great boldness
B. to rebuke the rulers and elders of the people
C. to return home safely
9. The apostles continued to testify with great power about what event? (4:33)
A. the healing of the crippled man
B. the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
C. the raising of Lazarus
10. How was it determined who received money from the sale of lands or houses after
it was put at the apostles' feet? (4:34-35)
A. it was first come, first served
B. those who lived more holy lives received more help
C. it was distributed to anyone as he had need
Acts Chapter 5 Questions
1. Who filled Ananias' heart so that he lied to the Holy Spirit and kept back for
himself some of the money he received for the land? (5:3)
A. No one
B. Satan
C. Philip
2.After Ananias fell down and died, his wife Sapphira came in, not knowing what
had happened. She also died. Is this True or False? (5:7-10)
A. True B. False
3. People brought the sick into the streets so that WHAT might fall on them? (5:15)
A. Peter's shadow
B. a light from heaven
C. a bolt of lightning
4. The high priest and all his associates who arrested the apostles and put them in
the public jail, were filled with WHAT? (5:17-18)
A. jealousy B. Love C. Anger
5. When the angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought out the
apostles, where did he tell them to go? (5:19-20)
A. to go to the hills and hide out so they wouldn't go back to jail
B. to go to the nearby town where no one would recognize them
C. to go stand in the temple courts and tell the people the message of the new life
6. What was the reply from Peter and the other apostles when they were questioned
by the high priest about the order they had been given, to not teach in this name?
A. We promise to obey if you will let us go.
B. We must obey God rather than men.
C. Our lives are more important than teaching.
7. According to Peter and the other apostles, why did God exalt Jesus to His own right
hand as Prince and Savior? (5:30-31)
A. that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel
B. to seek vengeance on those who killed His Son
C. to prepare the way of the Lord
8. Who was a witness to God raising Jesus from the dead, God exalting him to His
own right hand as Prince and Savior, and is given by God to those who obey him?
A. the apostles
B. the prophets
C. the Holy Spirit
9. What did Gamaliel say would happen if the purpose or activity of the apostles
was from God rather than of human origin? (5:34, 39)
A. It would fail
B. They would not be able to stop these men, but would find themselves fighting
against God.
C. The apostles would lead Israel to victory, throwing off the yolk of the Romans.
10.The apostles left the Sanhedrin after being flogged and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, yet rejoiced. Why? (5:40-41)
A. They survived the persecution.
B. They were free at last to go home.
C. They had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.
Acts Chapter 6 Questions
1. Widows from which group of disciples were being overlooked in the daily
distribution of food? (6:1)
A. Grecian Jews B. Aramaic speaking Jews C. Nazarenes
2. The Twelve told the disciples to choose seven men from among themselves who
were known to be ? (6:3)
A. good businessman
B. full of the Spirit and wisdom
C. kind and sensitive
3.The Twelve turned over the responsibility of food distribution so they could give
their attention to what?(6:4)
A. clothing distribution
B. handling the contribution
C. prayer and the ministry of the word
4. The men who were chosen were presented to the apostles who did WHAT for
them? (6:6)
A. prayed and laid their hands on them
B. gave them money to buy food to distribute
C. taught them how to organize the workers
5. A large number of what group became obedient to the faith ? (6:7)
A. children B. priests C. the poor
6. What kind of man was Stephen, who did great wonders and miraculous signs
among the people? (6:8)
A. a liar B. full of God's grace and power C. generous
7. How effective were the members of the Synagogue of the Freedman, in their arguing
against Stephen? (6:9-10)
A. Stephen could not answer them effectively
B. they could not stand up against his wisdom
C. they left Stephen speechless.
8. What kind of witnesses testified against Stephen, accusing him of speaking against
the law and that holy place? (6:13)
A. crooked B. false C. true
9. False witnesses claimed Stephen said Jesus of Nazareth would do what
to the customs Moses had handed down to them? (6:14)
A. destroy them B. fulfill them C. Change them
10.All in the Sanhedrin looked at Stephen and saw his face was like what? (6:15)
A. the face of an angel
B. like a ghost
C. like a murderer
Acts Chapter 7 Questions
1. What did God tell Abraham to leave? (7:3)
A. his country and his people B. his flocks C. his riches
2. What did God say would happen to Abraham's descendants for 400 years? (7:6)
A. they would be rulers
B. they would mine gold
C. they would be enslaved and mistreated
3. God gave Abraham the covenant of WHAT? (7:8)
A. circumcision B. peace C. sacrifice
4. What natural calamity struck all Egypt and Canaan, causing Jacob to send his
sons to Egypt? (7:11)
A. earthquake B. plague C. famine
5. Moses was educated in all the wisdom of what group of people? (7:22)
A. Babylonians B. Greeks C. Egyptians
6. How old was Moses when the Lord spoke to him at the burning bush? (7:23, 30)
A. 16 B. 30 C. 80
7. How had the tabernacle of Testimony in the desert been made? (7:44)
A. according to the people's desires
B. according to the pattern Moses had seen, as God directed.
C. according to the pattern of the places of worship in Egypt.
8. The Most High lives in houses made by men. (7:48)
A. True B. False
9. Which of the following IS NOT one of the things Stephen accused the Sanhedrin,
the people, the elders and the teachers of the law of doing? (7:51-53)
A. resisting the Holy Spirit
B. adultery
C. betrayal and murder
D. not obeying the law put into effect through angels
10.What was Stephen's prayer for the people as he was being stoned? (7:60)
A. that God would avenge his death
B. that God would not hold this sin against them
C. that God would cast them into hell
Acts Chapter 8 Questions
1. Who was there giving approval to Stephen's death? (8:1)
A. Jacob B. Peter C. Saul
2. Saul began to destroy the church by doing what? (8:3)
A. making fun of those who believed in Jesus
B. teaching false doctrines
C. dragging off men and women, putting them in prison
3. But when the people and Simon believed Philip as he preached the good news
of Jesus Christ, what did they do, both men and women? (8:11-13)
A. they prayed and fasted
B. they offered a bull as a sacrifice
C. they were baptized
4. As Simon followed Philip, what astonished him? (8:13)
A. all the money Philip made from healing so many people
B. the great signs and miracles he saw
C. the great number of people who began to follow Jesus
5. The apostles sent Peter and John to Samaria when they heard that Samaria had
done WHAT ? (8:14)
A. rejected the word of God
B. accepted the word of God
C. preached the word of God
6. When Simon saw the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, what
did he do? (8:18-19)
A. offered them money so he could lay hands on others to receive the Holy Spirit
B. offered them money to lay hands on his family
C. offered them money to leave town
7. What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading as he sat in his chariot on the desert
road to Gaza? (8:28)
A. the book of Isaiah the prophet
B. the gospel of Matthew
C. the book of Revelation
8. What did Philip begin telling the eunuch from that very passage of scripture?
A. what was happening in Samaria
B. it doesn't matter who you believe in
C. the good news of Jesus
9. When the eunuch gave orders to stop the chariot, where did he and Philip go when
Philip baptized him? (8:38)
A. to get a cup of water
B. out of the chariot and down on their knees to pray for forgiveness
C. down into the water
10.How is the eunuch described as he went on his way after both he and Philip came
up out of the water and the Spirit took Philip away? (8:39)
A. confused B. sad C. rejoicing
Acts Chapter 9 Questions
1. How was Saul treating the Lord's disciples? (9:1-2)
A. He breathed out murderous threats against them.
B. He sought them out in order to take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
C. Both A and B.
2. How did the voice identify himself when Saul asked, "Who are you, Lord?"
A. the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
B. I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.
C. I am John the Baptist.
3. Jesus told Saul to go into the city and he would be told WHAT? (9:6)
A. what he must do
B. what he could do
C. what he couldn't do
4.The Lord told Ananias that Saul was his chosen instrument to do WHAT?
A. to carry his name before the Gentiles, kings, and the people of Israel
B. to put the believers in prison
C. to start a new church
5. After Saul regained his sight, was baptized, and regained his strength, he spent
several days with the disciples in Damascus and at once began to do WHAT?
A. dragging off men and women to prison
B. fasting and praying
C. preaching in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God
6. How did Saul baffle the Jews living in Damascus? (9:22)
A. by miracles and signs
B. by proving that Jesus is the Christ
C. by telling the future
7. Who took Saul and brought him to the apostles when they were all afraid of
Saul? (9:27)
A. Matthew
B. Barnabas
C. Paul
8.Then the church enjoyed a time of peace, was strengthened, encouraged,
and grew in numbers, living in WHAT manner? (9:31)
A. in the fear of the Lord
B. according to the Law of Moses
C. as seemed right in their own eyes
9.Before Peter told Aeneas to take up his mat, WHO did Peter say was doing
the healing? (9:34)
A. Peter himself
B. Jesus Christ
C. Aeneas' own positive thinking
10.The disciple in Joppa, named Tabitha, translated Dorcas, had always done
WHAT before her death? (9:36)
A. good, helped the poor
B. gossiped
C. sold purple cloth
Acts Chapter 10 Questions
1. What memorial offering did Cornelius give that God acknowledged,
according to the angel? (10:4)
A. prayers B. gifts to the poor C. Both A and B
2. What did the voice tell Peter the 2nd time? (10:14)
A. eat whatever you want
B. all these animals are unclean
C. not to call anything impure that God has made clean
3. How did the apostle Peter react when Cornelius fell at his feet in reverence? (10:26)
A. He thanked him and blessed him.
B. He told him to stand up because he was only a man himself.
C. He waited for the other people to bow, as well.
4. Why did Cornelius gather his relatives and close friends at his house for Peter's
arrival? (10:33)
A. for the Passover meal
B. to listen to everything the Lord had commanded Peter to tell them
C. to tell Peter he should stop preaching in Jesus' name before He ended up in jail
5. What did Peter say all the prophets testified about Jesus? (10:43)
A. Jesus would perform many miracles.
B. Jesus would be falsely accused of blasphemy.
C. Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
6. While Peter was still speaking these words, WHAT CAME on all who heard the
A. a sense of gratitude for their salvation
B. the Holy Spirit
C. a deep sleep
7. WHY were the circumcised believers who had come with Peter astonished? (10:45)
A. Peter entered the house of a Gentile
B. They could not understand any of the tongues the Gentiles were speaking.
C. The gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles.
8. Peter asked if anyone could keep those Gentiles from being baptized with
WHAT? (10:47)
A. water B. wine C. olive oil
9. In what manner did Peter say the Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit? (10:47)
A. just as we have
B. with great power
C. in a way befitting Gentiles
10.What did Peter order to be done since the Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit
"just as we have"? (10:47-48)
A. Give the Gentiles a new Bible
B. he ordered the Gentiles to perform healings
C. he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
Acts Chapter 11 Questions
1. The apostles and brothers heard that the Gentiles had done WHAT
with the word of God? (11:1)
A. preached it B. rejected it C. received it
2. Why did the circumcised believers criticize Peter? (11:3)
A. for entering the house of uncircumcised men and eating with them
B. for not staying in Jerusalem to preach
C. because he had had a dream about unclean animals
3. What kind of animals were in the large sheet that was let down from
heaven in the vision that Peter had while in a trance, praying in Joppa? (11:6)
A. four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles and birds of the air
B. reptiles, birds and fish
C. sheep, goats, bulls, pigeons and doves]
4. What was Peter's response to the voice that told him to get up, kill and eat? (11:7-8)
A. he got up, killed and ate
B. he asked the voice for a further explanation
C. he said that nothing impure or unclean had ever entered his mouth
5. The voice from heaven told Peter not to call anything impure that had been
made clean BY WHOM? (11:9)
A. the high priest B. God C. John the Baptist
6. The angel told Cornelius that Peter would bring WHAT through which he and
his household would be saved? (11:13-14)
A. a message B. a miracle C. a dream
7. In making his defense to the other apostles and brothers about preaching to
the Gentiles, Peter says God gave them WHAT and Peter could not oppose
God? (11:17)
A. a loving heart B. the same gift as he gave us C. their own traditions
8. When they heard Peter's explanation, what did they acknowledge that God had
granted to the Gentiles? (11:18)
A. wisdom
B. a role in the priesthood
C. repentance unto life
9. In what city were the disciples first called Christians? (11:26)
A. Caesarea B. Laodicea C. Antioch
10.What calamity did the prophet Agabus predict would spread over the
entire Roman world; this happened during the reign of Claudius? (11:28)
A. Bubonic plague B. a severe famine C. an ice age
Acts Chapter 12 Questions
1. James, the brother of John, had been put to death with the sword by which king?
A. Herod B. Julius Caesar C. Xerxes
2. What was Herod's motivation for seizing Peter also? (12:3)
A. he hated Christians
B. it pleased the emperor
C. it pleased the Jews
3. What was the church doing while Peter was kept in prison? (12:5)
A. protesting his arrest
B. earnestly praying to God
C. running for fear of persecution
4. Peter had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening. (12:9)
5. When Peter and the angel came to the iron gate leading to the city, what happened
to it? (12:10)
A. the angel pushed it open
B. the angel gave Peter the key to open it
C. it opened for them by itself
6. When Peter realized he had been rescued from Herod's clutches, he went to Mary's
house where many people had gathered for what purpose? (12:12)
A. prayer B. a wedding C. to witness a miracle
7. The people at Mary's house were praying for Peter (12:5 and 12:12), but didn't
believe Peter was at the door. Who did they think it was? (12:15)
A. a man who looked like Peter B. Peter's angel C. Peter's brother
8. What happened to the guards after Herod cross-examined them? (12:19)
A. Herod ordered their execution
B. Herod ordered them banished
C. Herod ordered them beaten and flogged.
9. When the people shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not of a man!", why did the
angel of the Lord immediately strike Herod down? (12:22-23)
A. Herod cursed God
B. Herod forced the people to bow to him
C. Herod did not give praise to God
10.Who did Barnabas and Saul take with them when they returned from
Jerusalem? (12:25)
A. John, called Joseph B. Peter, called Simon C. John, called Mark
Acts Chapter 13 Questions
1. What two things were Barnabas and Saul doing with the prophets and teachers
at Antioch when the Holy Spirit called them for a specific work? (13:2)
A. giving food to the needy and fasting
B. worshiping and fasting
C. singing and fasting
2. Who was with Barnabas and Saul as their helper on their journey? (13:5)
A. John B. Matthew C. Lucius of Cyrene
3. Why was Elymas the sorcerer blinded? (13:8-11)
A. he tried to turn the proconsul from the faith
B. he opposed Barnabas and Saul
C. Both A and B
4. The synagogue rulers invited Paul and Barnabas to speak what kind of
message? (13:15)
A. one of encouragement
B. one of hell, fire, and brimstone
C. one of love
5. What was God's response to his peoples' conduct in the desert after he led them
out of Egypt? (13:17-18)
A. he praised them for it
B. he endured it
C. he hated it
6.After God overthrew 7 nations in Canaan and gave their land to his people,
what did God give his people until the time of Samuel the prophet? (13:20)
A. judges B. seers C. kings
7. God brought to Israel the Savior, Jesus, as promised, from WHAT MAN'S
descendants? (13:22-23)
A. Joshua's B. Moses' C. David's
8. How did Jesus' death and burial compare to David's death and
burial? (13:36-37)
A. David decayed; Jesus decayed
B. David decayed; Jesus did not decay
C. David did not decay; Jesus did not decay
9. When the Jews saw the crowds gathered to hear Paul and Barnabas preach
the word of God, what did they say about Paul? (13:43-45)
A. "Listen to this man!"
B. They talked abusively against what Paul was saying
C. "Let's stone him!"
10.How did Barnabas and Saul protest against those who expelled them from
their region? (13:50-51)
A. they shook the dust from their feet
B. they threw their sandals at the angry mob
C. they stomped their feet in anger
Acts Chapter 14 Questions
1. The Lord confirmed the message of his grace by enabling Paul
and Barnabas to do what? (14:3)
A. speak eloquently
B. perform miraculous signs and wonders
C. walk through fire without getting burned
2. What were the Gentiles and the Jews and their leaders plotting
to do to the apostles? (14:5)
A. to mistreat them and stone them
B. to burn them at the stake
C. to hang them
3. Paul and Barnabas fled to Lystra and Derbe where they did what? (14:6)
A. started a tent-making business
B. continued to preach the good news
C. went into hiding for fear of persecution
4. The lame man who was healed had been lame for how long?
A. 38 years B. 2 years C. from birth
5. When the crowd saw what Paul had done to the lame man,
what did they shout? (14:11)
A. "Heal us all!"
B. "You are a great sorcerer!"
C. "The gods have come down in human form!"
6.When Paul and Barnabas heard that the priest of Zeus and the crowd
wanted to offer sacrifices to them, Paul and Barnabas humbly accepted
their form of worship, since it was a tradition of that culture in Lystra. (14:13-15)
7. Paul and Barnabas brought them good news, telling them to turn FROM WHAT
to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in
them? (14:15)
A. angels and demons B. worthless things C. emperor worship
8. God let all nations go their own way, WHEN? (14:16)
A. in the past B. now C. always and forever
9. After Paul was dragged outside the city and stoned, and the disciples
gathered around him, what did Paul do? (14:19-20)
A. he got up and went back into the city
B. he left the ministry
C. he fasted and prayed for 3 days
10.Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them WHERE? (14:23)
A. in every province
B. in every city
C. in every church
Acts Chapter 15 Questions
1. WHAT TEACHING brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute with some
men from Judea who were teaching this to the brothers in Antioch? (15:1-2)
A. food sacrificed to idols is alright to eat
B. unless you are circumcised, you cannot be saved
C. you must perform 10 miracles to be saved
2. Some believers who belonged to THIS PARTY stood up and said, "The
Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses": (15:5)
A. the Pharisees
B. the Freedman
C. the Mosaic
3. "God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving them
WHAT , just as He did to us"? (15:8)
A. eloquent speech
B. the Holy Spirit
C. many followers
4. Peter said that God had purified their hearts by WHAT? (15:9)
A. good works B. faith C. repentance
5. Peter asked why they tried to do THIS TO GOD by putting on the necks of the
disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear? (15:10)
A. anger B. please C. test
6.Through WHAT did Peter say that he, those with him, and the Gentiles were
saved? (15:11)
A. faith B. grace C. the Holy Spirit
7. How did the apostles and elders refer to themselves in their letter to the Gentiles?
A. your holy leaders B. your infallible teachers C. your brothers
8. Which one of the following was a requirement for the Gentile believers? (15:29)
A. abstain from sexual immorality
B. abstain from buying meat in the marketplace
C. abstain from getting married
9. Paul, Barnabas, Judas and Silas went to Antioch where they did WHAT to the
church before delivering the letter? (15:30)
A. chastised them
B. encouraged them
C. gathered them
10.Why did Paul not want to take along John, called Mark, with them to visit towns
where Paul and Barnabas had preached the word of the Lord? (15:38)
A. because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in
the work
B. John had become very ill on the last journey
C. John and Barnabas did not get along very well
Acts Chapter 16 Questions
1. Who was Timothy? (16:1)
A. a disciple who lived in Lystra
B. the son of a Greek woman
C. the son of a man who was a believer
2. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy? (16:3)
A. because they had to be Jews before they could be saved
B. Timothy's mother insisted
C. because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew
that his father was a Greek.
3. What did Paul and Timothy deliver from town to town for the people to obey?
A. the law of Moses
B. the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem
C. letters from a prophet who was in prison
4. What did the man of Macedonia in Paul's vision beg of him? (16:9)
A. to come heal him of his leprosy
B. to come over to Macedonia and help them
C. to pray for the lost souls in Macedonia
5. What conclusion did Paul and his companions come to about the vision of
the man of Macedonia? (16:10)
A. no conclusion; they remained totally confused about it
B. that God had called them to preach the gospel to them
C. that the man of Macedonia had a new gospel to reveal to Paul
6. Whose heart did the Lord open to respond to Paul's message by the river? (16:14)
A. Lydia, a worshiper of God
B. Lydia, a slave girl who had the ability to predict the future
C. Lydia, a woman who believed in many gods
7. In whose name did Paul command the spirit to come out of the slave girl
that kept following them and shouting? (16:18)
A. Moses' name B. Paul's own name C. Jesus' name
8. About midnight, while Paul and Silas were in the inner cell and their feet were
fastened in the stocks, after being stripped, beaten and flogged, WHAT were they
doing that the other prisoners were listening to? (16:25)
A. complaining about their rights being violated
B. begging the guards for a lawyer
C. praying and singing hymns to God
9. What did Paul speak to the jailer after he told him to believe in the Lord Jesus?
A. a special prayer for their forgiveness
B. a prayer of praise for their repentance
C. the word of the Lord
10After the jailer washed Paul and Barnabas' wounds that same hour of the night,
he and his family were immediately baptized, and then he took them into his home
and fed them. What is given as the reason he was filled with joy? (16:33-34)
A. because he had come to believe in God - he and his whole family
B. because he had caught an escape prisoner and would not lose his job
C. because he was glad that Paul and Silas were able to get away without
further punishment
Acts Chapter 17 Questions
1. Paul reasoned with the people in the Jewish synagogue using WHAT to explain
and prove that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead? (17:2-3)
A. the written orders of Pontius Pilate
B. the Scriptures
C. the writings of Josephus
2. The Jews were jealous, so they started a WHAT in the city? (17:5)
A. lynch mob
B. demonstration against the apostles
C. riot
3. What were Jason and the apostles accused of defying? (17:7)
A. Caesar's decrees
B. a city ordinance against preaching
C. Jewish proconsul
4. Why were the Bereans of more noble character than the Thessalonians? (17:11)
A. they gave Paul a chance to speak without interruptions
B. they quieted the crowd for the apostles
C. they received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures
every day to see if what Paul said was true
5. While Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy in Athens, he was greatly
distressed to see the city full of WHAT? (17:16)
A. idols
B. Jewish leaders
C. prostitutes
6. Why did a group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers dispute with Paul? (17:18)
A. Paul spoke with a foreign accent
B. He was preaching the good news about Jesus and the resurrection
C. Paul judged them harshly for their idolatry
7. As Paul walked around and looked carefully at their objects of worship,
he found an altar with what inscription? (17:23)
A. "to the god of creation"
B. "to an unknown God"
C. "to the god of all gods"
8. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the
whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places
where they should live. WHY? (17:26)
A. he wants to decide everything in man's life.
B. like the Greek gods, he likes to watch people from heaven and be entertained.
C. so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him.
9. Paul said that since we are God's WHAT, we should not think that the
divine beingis like gold or silver or stone - an image made by man's design and
skill? (17:29)
A. offspring
B. friends
C. enemies
10God has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by
the man he has appointed. WHAT PROOF has God given of this to all men?
A. by healing the lame and blind
B. by raising him from the dead
C. by parting the Red Sea
Acts Chapter 18 Questions
1. WHY had Aquila and Priscilla recently come from Italy to Corinth? (18:1-2)
A. to start a new tent business
B. Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome
C. there were better institutes of higher learning in Corinth
2. Paul, like Aquila and Priscilla, was a tent maker. But when Silas and Timothy
came from Macedonia, WHAT did Paul devote himself to doing? (18:3-5)
A. preaching and testifying that Jesus was the Christ
B. selling the tents he had made
C. performing miraculous healings
3. Because the Jews in Corinth opposed Paul and became abusive, Paul said from
now on he would go TO WHOM? (18:6)
A. Samaritans B. Gentiles C. Romans
4. Many of the Corinthians who heard him believed and were WHAT? (18:8)
A. saved B. added to their number C. baptized
5. Who spoke to Paul in a vision promising to be with him and telling him to keep
speaking? (18:8-9)
A. the angel Gabriel B. Mary, the mother of Jesus C. the Lord
6. When Paul left the synagogue in Ephesus, the Jews asked him to spend more time,
he declined. But as he left , he made this promise: (18:20-21)
A. If I have enough funds to return, I will.
B. I will return no matter what happens to me!
C. I will come back if it is God's will.
7. Paul traveled throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia doing WHAT for the
disciples? (18:23)
A. training them B. healing their infirmities C. strengthening them
8. Which of the following is true of Apollos, according to Acts 18:24-26?
A. he knew only the baptism of John
B. he was not an educated man
C. he was too shy to speak about Jesus
9. When Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos speaking about Jesus in the
synagogue, they invited him to their home FOR WHAT REASON? (18:26)
A. Sunday lunch
B. to explain the way of God more adequately
C. to offer him a job in their tent making business
10 HOW did Apollos vigorously refute the Jews in public debate in Achaia?
A. by getting the Greek Christians to side with him
B. he studied the art of debate at the feet of Gamaliel
C. by proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ
Acts Chapter 19 Questions
1. In Ephesus Paul asked some disciples if they had received WHAT when they
believed? (19:2)
A. Jesus
B. power
C. the Holy Spirit
2. Paul said that John's baptism was a baptism of WHAT? (19:4)
A. belief
B. confession
C. repentance
3. After Paul explained John's baptism, that John told the people to believe in the
one coming after him, that is, in Jesus, what did these disciples do? (19:5)
A. they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus
B. they were baptized into the name of John the Baptist
C. they refused to be baptized because they had already received John's baptism
4. The Holy Spirit "came" on the disciples when Paul did WHAT? Then they spoke
in tongues and prophesied. (19:6)
A. prayed for them
B. placed his hands on them
C. healed them
5. Some people in the synagogue became obstinate to Paul and his teaching about
the kingdom of God. They refused to believe and did WHAT? (19:9)
A. dragged Paul to jail
B. publicly maligned the Way
C. ridiculed Paul
6. Some Jews tried to drive out an evil spirit by invoking the name of Jesus,
whom Paul preached. What was the END RESULT of them being beaten
by the man with the evil spirit? (19:13-17)
A. people quit preaching in Jesus' name
B. Jews and Greeks were seized with fear; the name of Jesus was held in high honor
C. people no longer respected the name of Jesus
7. A number who HAD practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and did
WHAT with them? (19:19)
A. shared them with all the believers who were curious about sorcery
B. sold them and laid the money at the apostles' feet
C. burned them publicly
8. In Ephesus there arose a great disturbance about WHAT? (19:23)
A. The Way
B. The Hope
C. The Leaders
9. Demetrius told the craftsmen and workmen of related trades that Paul was
convincing and leading large numbers of people astray by teaching WHAT? (19:26)
A. man is his own god
B. it doesn't matter what god you believe in
C. man-made gods are no gods at all
10The city clerk quieted the crowd by saying the whole world knew that Ephesus
is the guardian of WHAT which fell from heaven? (19:35)
A. the temple of the great Artemis and of her image
B. the temple of Zeus and his image
C. the temple of Poseidon and of his image
Acts Chapter 20 Questions
1. On what day of the week did Paul and his companions come together
TO break bread? (20:7)
A. 3rd B. 1st C. 7th
2. Eutychus fell from WHERE and was picked up dead? (20:9)
A. the roof B. the top of a ladder C. the third story
3. From Miletus Paul sent to Ephesus for whom? (20:17)
A. the elders of the church
B. the Sanhedrin
C. those of the Circumcision
4. What word describes the seriousness of what Paul declared to the Jews
and Gentiles about turning to God? (20:21)
A. can B. should C. must
5. What did Paul say he wanted to complete? (20:24)
A. he wanted to build up his tent business to pass on to his son
B. his missionary trip to Africa
C. the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace
6. Why did Paul declare he was innocent of the blood of all men? (20:26)
A. he had never killed anyone
B. he had not hesitated to proclaim the whole will of God
C. he did not want to be stoned by the Jews
7. What was bought with blood? (20:28)
A. the nation of Israel B. freedom C. the church of God
8. Paul warned that even from their own number men would arise and distort
the truth for what purpose? (20:30)
A. to draw away disciples after them
B. for financial gain
C. to destroy the Way
9. What did Paul say can build you up and give you an inheritance among
all those who are sanctified? (20:32)
A. good works B. the word of his (God's) grace C. a position as an elder
10What words did Paul quote from Jesus to remind the elders that by hard work
we must help the weak? (20:35)
A. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
B. "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
C. "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Acts Chapter 21 Questions
1. How does the writer describe how difficult it was for Paul to say goodbye to the
Ephesian elders? (21:1)
A. Not very difficult, they did not like each other very much.
B. They had to tear themselves away from them
C. A little difficult, they liked Paul
2. When Paul's time was up in Tyre, who accompanied him out of the city and knelt
on the beach with him to pray? (21:5)
A. disciples and their wives and children
B. the elders from Ephesus
C. Priscilla and Aquila
3. What did the prophet Agabus prophesy would happen to Paul? (21:10-11)
A. the Jews would bind Paul and hand him over to the Gentiles
B. Paul would be thrown to the lions
C. the Gentiles would bind Paul and hand him over to the Jews
4. What did Paul say he was ready to do for the name of the Lord Jesus? (21:13)
A. not only to be bound, but go to prison
B. not only to be bound, but be stoned
C. not only to be bound, but also to die
5. Who received Paul when he arrived at Jerusalem? (21:17)
A. Lydia, a seller of purple
B. the brothers
C. the Jews of the circumcision
6. Paul was told to pay the expenses for four men to have what done? (21:23-24)
A. have their heads shaved
B. have their hair cut
C. have their beards trimmed
7. Jews from Asia accused Paul of bringing WHO into the temple area,
defiling it? (21:28)
A. Romans B. Samaritans C. Greeks
8. When Paul reached the steps, the violence was so great that WHAT? (21:35)
A. he was trampled by the crowd
B. the steps were covered in blood
C. Paul had to be carried by the soldiers
9.The commander mistook Paul for WHOM that started a revolt and led 4, 000
terrorists out into the desert? (21:38)
A. an Egyptian B. a Christian C. an Aramean
10 After having received the commander's permission and the crowd quieted, Paul
spoke to them in what language? (21:40)
A. Aramaic B. Greek C. Chaldean
Acts Chapter 22 Questions
1. Where was Paul born? (22:3)
A. Damascus B. Tarsus C. Jerusalem
2. Paul was trained under Gamaliel in what? (22:3)
A. in the law of our fathers B. in accounting C. in tent making
3. When the light from heaven flashed around Paul on the road to Damascus, who
answered Paul's question, "Who are you Lord?" (22:6-8)
A. Elijah B. Jesus of Nazareth C. Moses
4. Why did Paul's companions lead him by the hand into Damascus? (22:11)
A. the brilliance of the light had blinded him
B. Paul was stubborn and did not want to go
C. Paul had fallen and injured his ankle on the road
5. Ananias told Paul that God had chosen him for WHAT? (22:14)
A. to know his will, see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth
B. to know his will, to persecute the church until it would be no more
C. to see the Righteous One and to hear Jesus' words from Peter
6. According to Ananias' instructions to Paul, what was he instructed to do as he
was "calling on his name"? (22:16)
A. be baptized, get up, wash your sins away
B. get up, wash your sins away, be baptized
C. wash your sins away, be baptized, get up
7. The crowd in Jerusalem listened until Paul mentioned WHAT? (22:21-22)
A. That the Lord told him He was sending him far away to the Gentiles
B. That the Lord told him to stop preaching to the Jews
C. That the Lord told him he was a prophet like Moses
8. The commander directed that Paul be WHAT
in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this? (22:24)
A. stripped and beaten
B. beaten and questioned
C. flogged and questioned
9. How did Paul gain his Roman citizenship? (22:29)
A. he was born a citizen
B. he married a Roman citizen
C. he paid a big price for it
10The next day, since the commander wanted to find out exactly why Paul was being
accused by the Jews, WHO did he order to assemble?(22:30)
A. Sadducees and Pharisees
B. the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin
C. Paul's traveling companions
Acts Chapter 23 Questions
1. What kind of conscience did Paul say he had in fulfilling his duty to God to this
day? (23:1)
A. good B. guilty C. none
2. When men standing near Paul said, "You dare to insult God's high priest?", what
was Paul's response? (23:4-5)
A. he did not realize it was the high priest who struck him
B. he thought he had the right to insult the man who struck him
C. neither A nor B
3. What did Paul call out to the Pharisees and Sanhedrin as the reason he stood on
trial? (23:6)
A. he had persecuted Christians
B. he had eaten with Gentiles
C. he hoped in the resurrection of the dead
4. Which religious group say that there is no resurrection, neither angels nor spirits?
A. Sadducees B. Pharisees C. Nicolaitans
5. The Jews formed a conspiracy to kill Paul and bound themselves with what kind
of oath? (23:12)
A. not to eat or drink until they killed Paul
B. not to worship in the temple until they killed Paul
C. not to sleep until they killed Paul
6. Who told the commander about the Jews' plot to kill Paul? (23:16 and 22)
A. Paul B. the son of Paul's sister C. the centurion
7. The commander ordered 2 of his centurions to get ready a detachment of how
many soldiers to go to Caesarea at nine at night? (23:23)
A. 50 B. 200 C. 100
8. The letter about Paul was addressed to whom? (23:26)
A. Gov. Claudius Lysias B. Gov. Julius Caesar C. Gov. Felix
9. In his letter to Governor Felix, what reason did Claudius Lysias give for
rescuing Paul from the Jews? (23:27)
A. he had learned Paul was a Roman citizen
B. he had heard that Paul could heal people
C. he despised the Jews and their religious laws
10 Governor Felix learned that Paul was from what province? (23:34)
A. Asia B. Bithynia C. Cilicia
Acts Chapter 24 Questions
1. What lawyer went down to Caesarea with the high priest, Ananias, and some of the
elders and brought charges against Paul before the Governor? (24:1)
A. Zena B. Tertullus C. Festus
2. According to the lawyer who presented his case before Felix, what was Paul
charged with doing to the temple? (24:6)
A. desecrating it B. speaking against it C. setting it on fire
3. Paul told Felix that he could easily verify that no more than HOW MANY days
ago, Paul went up to Jerusalem to worship? (24:11)
A. 12 B. 3 C. 10
4. Paul admitted that he worshiped who? (24:14)
A. Artemis of the Ephesians
B. the God of our fathers
C. the god of the Canaanites
5. Paul had hope that there would be a resurrection of WHOM? (24:15)
A. the righteous B. the wicked C. both the righteous and wicked
6. What had Paul come to Jerusalem to bring for the poor? (24:17)
A. gifts B. food C. clothes
7. Felix was well acquainted with which religious group? (24:22)
A. the Nazarene sect B. the Way C. the Sanhedrin
8. How is Paul's time under guard described? (24:23)
A. bound hand and foot, chained to the wall
B. given some freedom; friends permitted to take care of his needs.
C. he was tortured until he confessed.
9. As Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come,
WHAT was Felix's emotional response? (24:25)
A. he was afraid B. he felt guilty C. he was angry
10Because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews, What did he do to Paul?
A. he left Paul in prison
B. he sentenced him to death
C. he had him flogged
Acts Chapter 25 Questions
1. Who appeared before Festus and presented charges against Paul? (25:1-2)
A. the Sanhedrin
B. the chief priests and Jewish leaders
C. the ringleader of the Nazarenes
2. Why did the chief priests and Jewish leaders ask Festus, as a favor, to have
Paul transferred to Jerusalem? (25:3)
A. They were preparing an ambush to kill him along the way.
B. They wanted to have a different governor decide his case.
C. It was easier for them to attend Paul's trial in Jerusalem.
3. When Paul appeared before Festus in Caesarea in court, the Jews who brought
many serious charges against him were able to prove their accusations,T or F?
A. True B. False
4. Why did Festus ask Paul if he was willing to go up to Jerusalem and stand
trial there before him? (25:9)
A. He wanted to hear Paul more.
B. He wished to do the Jews a favor
C. He did not want to be burdened with Paul's case any longer
5. Who did Paul appeal to, saying no one had the right to hand him over to the
Jews? (25:11)
A. Caesar B. Agrippa C. Nero
6. King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea for what reason? (25:13)
A. to watch the games at the Coliseum
B. to worship in the temple of Artemis
C. to pay their respects to Festus
7. While in Jerusalem, Festus told the chief priests and elders that WHAT is
not the Roman custom? (25:16)
A. to release a prisoner to the people at the Passover
B. to stone a man who was condemned to death
C. to hand over a man before he has faced his accusers and has had opportunity to
defend himself against their charges
8. What points of dispute did Paul's accusers have with him when they stood up
to speak in the court Festus convened? (25:17-19)
A. about their own religion and a man named Jesus who Paul claimed
should be the new king
B. about their own religion and a man named Jesus who Paul claimed
had never died
C. about their own religion and a man named Jesus who Paul claimed
was alive
9. How many things did Festus tell King Agrippa he found Paul had done
deserving death? (25:25)
A. nothing deserving death
B. one charge deserving death
C. many charges deserving death
10 What did Festus say was the reason he was bringing Paul before King
Agrippa? (25:26)
A. He needed a king's approval to condemn Paul.
B. Festus knew that King Agrippa had a grudge against Paul.
C. Festus hoped that as a result of this investigation he might have
something to write to His Majesty about Paul.
Acts Chapter 26 Questions
1. What did Paul say King Agrippa was well acquainted with as he began to
make his own defense? (26:1-3)
A. Jewish customs and controversies
B. Jewish laws
C. Jewish leaders
2. Paul said the Jews could testify, if they were willing, that according to the
strictest sect of their religion, he had lived as a WHAT? (26:5)
A. as a Benjamite
B. as a Pharisee
C. as a Christian
3. What did Paul say was the reason he was on trial before King Agrippa? (26:6)
A. the jealousy of the Jewish leaders
B. because of the hope in what God had promised their fathers
C. because Festus was unwilling to make a decision regarding his case
4. In his defense before Agrippa, Paul explained that he, too, had been convinced
that he ought to do all that was possible to oppose WHAT? (26:9)
A. the taxes the Romans had imposed on the Jews
B. the traditions of his forefathers
C. the name of Jesus of Nazareth
5. When Paul was on a journey to Damascus and a voice from heaven spoke to him,
how did the voice identify himself to Paul? (26:12-15)
A. Elijah
B. John the Baptist
C. Jesus
6. What reason did the voice give Saul (Paul) for sending him to open the eyes of his
own people and the Gentiles and turn them from darkness to light, from Satan to
God? (26:17-18)
A. so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those sanctified
by faith in me (the voice)
B. so that Paul would pay for all the sins he had committed
C. so that the law of Moses would be fulfilled
7. Paul said he preached to those in Jerusalem, Judea and to the Gentiles
to repent, turn to God and prove their repentance BY WHAT MEANS? (26:20)
A. tears
B. fasting and prayer
C. their deeds
8. Paul said he was saying nothing beyond what Moses and the prophets had
said, that the Christ would DO WHAT? (26:22-23)
A. suffer, rise from the dead, proclaim light to the Gentiles and his people
B. suffer, die, be honored by his followers
C. suffer, die, rise from the dead, then overthrow the Romans
9. What was Festus' opinion of Paul's state of mind when he interrupted
Paul's self-defense before King Agrippa? (26:24)
A. Paul was a brilliant philosopher
B. Paul was boring and made no sense at all
C. Paul was out of his mind
10In replying to Agrippa's comment about Paul persuading him to become a
Christian, Paul said that he prayed for all of his hearers there to become what
he was EXCEPT FOR WHAT? (26:28-29)
A. except for his insanity
B. except for his sinfulness
C. except for his chains
Acts Chapter 27 Questions
1. Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named
Julius, who belonged to WHAT MILITARY GROUP? (27:1)
A. the Nazarene sect
B. the Imperial Regiment
C. the Roman Cohort
2. Out of kindness, what did Julius allow Paul to do? (27:3)
A. to sleep without his shackles on
B. to go to his friends, so they could provide for his needs
C. to escape from custody
3. Sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was already after
WHAT? (27:9)
A. the hurricane season
B. Pentecost
C. the Fast
4. What was it the men feared that caused them to lower the sea anchor and let
the ship be driven along? (27:17)
A. They would run aground on the sandbars of Syrtis.
B. They would be boarded by pirates.
C. They would return home without any fish to sell at market.
5. When did the men finally give up all hope of being saved? (27:20)
A. on the 40th day
B. when no sun or stars appeared for many days and the storm continued
C. when the ship began taking on water
6. What did the angel tell Paul that God had graciously given him? (27:23-24)
A. the lives of all who sailed with him
B. the entire ship's cargo
C. freedom from any further persecution
7. What body of water were they being driven across on the 14th night? (27:27)
A. the bay of Bengal
B. the Pacific Ocean
C. the Adriatic Sea
8. In an attempt to escape the ship, WHAT did the sailors do, pretending they
were going to lower some anchors from the bow? (27:30)
A. They let the lifeboat down into the sea.
B. They swam for shore.
C. They threw the owner and the pilot into the sea.
9. Paul encouraged them all to eat by telling them they would not lose a single
hair from their heads. After Paul gave thanks and they ate as much as they wanted,
what was done with the grain that was left? (27:34-38)
A. It was fed to the animals that were on board.
B. It was thrown into the sea.
C. It was made into bread for the rest of the journey.
10As a result of the ship running aground and the stern breaking to pieces,
everyone had to swim or float using planks or pieces of the ship in order
to reach the shore. How many of the people from the ship lost their lives?
A. one
B. 25
C. None. Everyone reached land.
Acts Chapter 28 Questions
1.What did the islanders on Malta do to welcome the men who had reached
the shore? (28:1-2)
A. cooked a great feast for them
B. gave them dry clothes to put on
C. built a fire because it was raining and cold
2.The islanders thought Paul was a murderer when the snake fastened itself
on his hand, but after he shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill
effects, they changed their minds to think WHAT about Paul? (28:4-6)
A. that he was a god
B. that he was extremely strong
C. that he was only a ghost
3. How did Publius, the chief official of the island, treat Paul and the
others? (28:7-10)
A. welcomed, entertained, honored and furnished them supplies
B. entertained, questioned, jailed, and released them
C. he fed them and gave them new huts to live in for as long as they wished
4. What kind of ship did Paul and the others put out to sea in after three
months? (28:11-12)
A. a famous fishing boat with the figurehead of the Sphinx
B. an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor
and Pollux
C. an Italian supply ship
5.What was Paul's response at the sight of the men who had traveled as far as
the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet Paul and his companions?
A. He was disappointed that more brothers had not come to meet him.
B. He cried tears of joy and then prayed and fasted.
C. He thanked God and was encouraged.
6. What was Paul's housing arrangement when he reached Rome? (28:16)
A. He was thrown into the dungeon where the worst criminals were.
B. He was not given any place to live, but wandered the streets begging.
C. He was allowed to live by himself and a soldier guarded him.
7. After Paul called together the leaders of the Jews, what did he tell them was
the reason he was bound with his chain? (28:20)
A. He was falsely accused of murder.
B. He was a Pharisee.
C. because of the hope of Israel
8. What reason did the Jews give Paul for wanting to hear his views? (28:22)
A. They knew Paul had been educated at the feet of Gamaliel.
B. They said that people everywhere were speaking against that sect.
C. They thought Paul would offer them a bribe in order to be set free.
9. From morning to evening Paul explained and declared to them the kingdom
of God and tried to convince them about Jesus FROM WHAT? (28:23)
A. the Law of Moses
B. the miracles he performed
C. the Law of Moses and the Prophets
10According to what the Holy Spirit said to their forefathers through Isaiah the
prophet, what condition were their hearts, eyes and ears in that kept them from
being able to turn and be healed? (28:27)
A. calloused hearts, hardly hear with their ears, and closed eyes
B. tender hearts, but closed eyes, and hearing ears
C. listening ears and open eyes, but calloused hearts
"Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory." --I Timothy 3:16